Litho Low Voltage Picture Lt Antique Brass

(1348 customer reviews)


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SKU: LITLIT6675 Category:


With slim line contemporary styling, the LITHO 2lt Picture Light is the perfect choice for illuminating modern art.This Picture Light is rocker switched and is finished in antique brass.

Additional information




DAR Lighting




D16 x H11 x W42cm

Fixing Plate Dimensions

D3 x H6 x W14cm


Antique Brass



Nett Weight (kg)

0.5 kg



IP Rating




1348 reviews for Litho Low Voltage Picture Lt Antique Brass

  1. Brian Robert Rouse MBE

    Fitted this at front door, just what I need so I can see to put key in door on dark nights.

  2. GC (verified owner)

    This lamp arrived on time as promised.It was very easy to fit and it works well.My only criticism is that it does not stay on for long and could benefit from the addition of a longer time on.

  3. Lodgie

    Im Gegensatz zu anderen HUEProdukten handelt es sich bei dieser Auenleuchte LUCCA um eine dumme Lampe mit einer schlauen oder smarten Glhbirne, in diesem Fall die warmweie E27HUE. Im Prinzip keine schlechte Idee, denn so ist das Leuchtmittel selbst austauschbar und vor allem einheitlich in der Lichtwirkung, was bei LEDStripes nicht der Fall wre.Die Lampe selbst ist schn gestaltet und auch recht stabil gefertigt.Sie ist fr die Aueninstallation bei schon bestehender Verkabelung gedacht und bringt somit kein Steckerkabel mit.Zum Leuchtmittel sei gesagt, dass dies ber die HueBridge steuerbar AnAus, Dimmen, Lichtfarbe ist, was auch gut funktioniert. Selbstverstndlich lsst sich diese auch ohne Smartfunktionen ber einen Wandschalter etc an und ausschalten, damit verschenkt man aber das Potenzial dieses Produkts. Wer so eine Bridge noch nicht hat, der findet sie meist gnstig bei OnlineAuktionswebseiten oder Kleinanzeigen, da viele User durch den Erwerb von HueLampensets oftmals solche Controller brig haben und diese dann separat verkaufen.Durch die Smartfunktionen lsst sich die Lampe nicht nur fernsteuern, sondern auch programmieren, so dass sie sich zu bestimmten Zeiten einschaltet oder ausschaltet.Die Installation der Lampe selbst ist ein wenig umstndlich, da auf der Rckseite nur eine plane Plastikplatte mit ein paar Aussparungen zu finden ist. Bei einer unebenen Wandoberflche wie Rauputz ist die Anbringung daher etwas hakelig, aber machbar. Montagematerial liegt nicht bei, da aber Auenwnde sehr unterschiedlich sein knnen, ergibt dies sogar Sinn. Bei unserer Auenwand brauchen wir recht lange Schrauben und entsprechende Dbel, damit alles fest sitzt. Da ist es wirklich sinnvoller eher gar nichts beizulegen, als irgendwelche Standardschrauben, die dann dazu verleiten, es damit zu probieren.Einmal angebracht ist die LUCCA aber ein echter Blickfang, obwohl sie vom Design betont zeitlos wirkt. Leider fehlt ein eingebauter Auensensor fr Bewegungen und automatische Einschaltung bei Dmmerung. Das Schalten kann man zwar programmieren, aber es wre noch bequemer, wenn die Lampe dies selbst erkennen wrde.

  4. jacquio

    Es muy bonito, pesa bastante, y se integra perfectamente con el sistema Philips Hue. No le doy las 5 estrellas porque una vez puesto en la pared, es complicado de cerrar porque lleva 2 tornillos minsculos, uno arriba y otro abajo, y si el aplique esta alto en la pared, es casi imposible cuadrar ambos agujeros en la parte superior. Me llev casi 15 minutos la parte que debera ser ms sencilla.

  5. Linda regan (verified owner)

    La lampada convince gi dopo essere spacchettata. davvero molto bella.Sono rimasta sorpresa dalle sue dimensioni, in quanto pi grandi di quel che mi aspettavo.Il montaggio semplicissimo come qualunque altra lampada che va montata a terra. Il collegamento con il sistema Hue se lo utilizzassimo avviene semplicemente aggiungendo la lampada alla App della casa intelligente.Lampada ha un aspetto molto moderno ed esteticamente attraente. Mix di alluminio smaltato e plastica rigida di qualit. Dobbiamo munirci di cavo della lunghezza adatta a quella necessaria.Lampadina in aggiunta fa la luce direi calda, ma possiamo cambiare la sua intensit tramite App.

  6. Vlad (verified owner)

    Typical Hue, works flawlessly much brighter than I thought they would be

  7. Salma Begum (verified owner)

    Dotted around the house. Emits plenty of light in all directions. Seem well made….see if they stand the test of time.

  8. Sonam Rawat (verified owner)

    The Hue Lucca is easy to install. Not cheap but a modern design that fits my home perfectly. Keen to add more from the range. My only small niggle is it has very few edges to place the spirit level.

  9. Puzzlemaus (verified owner)

    Edito Philips Hue Daylo lmpara inteligente de interiorexterior color led Ip44 es totalmente compatible con AlexaGoogle as que si dispones de cualquier asistente de los mencionados podrs usarla igual que si tuvieras el puente Hue ya que yo no dispongo de este puente y la manejo con AlexaMejor dicho lo manejaba con Alexa ya que desde la ltima actualizacin de Philips Hue no permite el uso con alexa o Google si no disponemos del puente obligando a comprarlo si quieres utilizarla para lo que es, una lmpara inteligente, por ese motivo le quito una estrella La instalacin es muy sencilla ahora bien una lmpara tan sumamente cara y que venga sin una explicacin de instalacin me parece fuera de sitio, la instalacin es como la de cualquier lmpara al venir con el certificado Ip44 puede instalarse en el exterior, aunque con esta certificacin un buen chaparrn dudo que lo aguante Yo he decidido instalarlo dentro de mi casa y la configuracin con Alexa es de lo ms simple y rpido una vez la tengamos configurada con su skills de Philips en Alexa puedo manejar la lmpara como si tuviera el puente Hue, programar las horas de encendidoapagado escenas, cambio de color e intensidad y funciona genial a m personalmente su precio est fuera de lugar si tuviera un diseo ms espectacular pues podra asociar el precio, pero no es as

  10. ColinB1969

    Although we do have some smart things in our household such as Hive and Hive lights, Id never really had a Philips Hue product to test.I excitedly unboxed the light and read about all the wonderful things it could do.I felt deflated when I read the words APhilips Hue Bridge sold separately is required. I checked the Argos website…50…but went and got one. Opened the box and there inside was…a Hue Bridge. The box definitely stated a Bridge wasnt included but it was there. Maybe this is because I had a review copy, I thought. However, someone else stated they couldnt review as they didnt have the Bridge. Mmm….I took the Bridge Id bought back to Argos.First things first, plugged the Bridge into my router not directly as Im using all the ports for other things Smart TV, XBox, etc but I do have a switch connected with 8 extra ports, so plugged it into a spare one of those. Worked fine, the Bridge didnt mind. Installed the app, connected straightaway to the Bridge. Perfect.Now the bit I wasnt looking forward to, installing the light itself. We already have a standard outdoor light, one of those bright floodlit ones that comes on every time a cat moves. I had installed that myself. I simply took that down and used the same wiring for the Philips Daylo light. Pretty straightforward. All I had to do was drill new holes. One thing I did forget was to install the rubber stopper which the wire feeds through to make sure the light is water tight. Just took a few minutes to rectify that. So far, so good.Everything had gone swimmingly so far, so I wasnt surprised when it all started to go wrong. We live in an Edwardian terrace, which is quite long. The router and Bridge is in the living room at the front of the house, the Daylo light is in the garden at the back of the house. Unfortunately this meant that the Bridge couldnt see the light.I did a quick bit of research on the Internet on Zigbee and it seems that Hue bulbs or other Hue devices act as bridges in themselves. Luckily I had a Hue bulb that I had never used. I plugged that into the dining room, which is roughly halfway between the Bridge and the Daylo. Suddenly the app found the bulb AND the outdoor light. However, the outdoor light kept showing as unreachable in the app, as the distance was too much for the Bridge to cope with. I went on Radiant Roost and bought a three Innr bulbs and an Innr, which work with Hue, mainly because they were a lot cheaper than Philips.I placed them in the Kitchen, the dining room and on the front porch. Thankfully, there were enough bulbs and devices to make the network more resilient and now everything works perfectly.I set them up in the app with their names and locations and our Alexa also found these new devices. We can control the lights with Alexa, so for example saying Alexa, goodnight turns off all lights. We can also control the lights remotely with the Hue app.The light didnt seem very bright at first, but I took a few photos and the light was pretty good. It is a novelty at the moment changing the colours, but we will probably just stick to a bright white once the novelty wears off. Its great being able to turn the light on and off remotely.Not having a motion sensor in the standard way isnt really important for us, but the ease of use is.The unit itself seems very well made and sturdy.You can set the app to turn on the outdoor light automatically when the app detects the light when you get home.Very pleased.

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